The forums are posed a question as followed by Blizzard certified poster Karune as follows:

There have been many game mechanic and unit additions to the 3 races for StarCraft II. Zerg have their Roaches with fast regeneration and Nydus Worms that can transport an entire army to an enemy base. Protoss strike back with their Colossi raining deadly beams across the battlefield, and have warp-in technologies allowing them to instantly reinforce a powered position. Terrans have become even more deadly of raiders with their fast moving mine dropping Reapers, and Medivac Dropships which heal and transport the Terran army. Tell us what race is your favorite so far and why.

From community response Protoss are still a favorite race followed by a close Zerg second. Personally I've always been a fan of the Terran with their bunker and push strategies. With the Starcraft 2 release I believe that Terran will be overpowered like the early days of the humans in WC3. I've always found that playing as a random race at first will give a player a very good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the race in any situation but ultimately a player needs to focus on specializing in one. Questions? Comments?